Can I Have My Agency Automation Team on YouTube?

Although marketing and generating leads through YouTube may not be as clear cut as through other forms of social media, YouTube is known for connecting with clients through informative and dynamic videos. Using this platform may increase your full sales potential if done right, helping you to generate more leads for your business. With its variety of user-friendly features and ways to optimize content, you truly can’t go wrong with lead generation via YouTube. Find out how you can increase lead engagement through Agency AutomationTEAM YouTube.

Top Ways to Gain Leads on YouTube

Content Optimization

Optimizing content goes a long way in gaining and retaining leads via YouTube. There are three main ways to pursue true content optimization: educating, answering, and CTA.

  • Educating – Educate viewers with dynamic content that draws them in. Whether your videos are about the products you offer or showcasing your customer service skills, educational content will help attract new leads for your business.
  • Answering – Be sure to answer all questions that viewers may have. Take time to comb through your content on a regular basis to stay up-to-date on comments and questions. Interacting with viewers in this way will help foster trust and turn your viewers into successful leads.
  • CTA – CTA, or call to action, is an important step to optimize your content. Place catchy, intriguing, or moving calls to action at the end of every video to help engage with viewers.

You can also optimize your content by including popular industry-related hashtags and keywords into your content. This will help your videos stand out in searches and drive viewership, eventually increasing the number of leads you’ll have over time. With YouTube’s search and video display algorithms, content optimization is your best tool for lead generation.

Create the Perfect Call to Action

A call to action is an important part of content optimization, so it’s imperative you create something that will engage viewers. An easy way to implement this is with YouTube’s interactive card feature. These cards usually appear at the end of YouTube videos and will allow you to link other sites, resources, and content. Include related sites like your website landing page or direct them on how to contact you or get a quote. Using these popular interactive cards as a CTA will guide viewers to your business, creating leads you can count on in the process.

Interacting with Viewers

Also related to YouTube optimization, interacting with viewers by answering their questions and comments will let them know you are a trustworthy source of information. Consistent engagement with viewers is shown to increase lead activity, as well. Showing your viewers genuine care shows an initiative for their well-being and customer care within your business model.

Agency AutomationTEAM YouTube

If your agency doesn’t have time for aggressive marketing efforts via YouTube, don’t worry. Agency AutomationTEAM YouTube provides informative videos that will easily help you take your marketing management system to the next level. Designed with the agency in mind, CP Manager is the perfect solution for saving time on marketing strategies with a system designed for cross-selling, x-dating, and generating marketing reports. After using this system, you’ll be well on your way to creating and following up with leads via YouTube.

Is Having an Agency Automation Team on Twitter Helpful?

Twitter is a great way to connect with your audience and generate leads. Having an Agency AutomationTEAM Twitter is helpful in providing consistent educational content to Twitter users. This also helps facilitate trust, solidify contacts, and convert Twitter users into leads for your business. Find out how to pursue a confident lead-nurturing process through Twitter to contribute to your bottom line.

Click-through Rates and Twitter Leads

A high click-through rate is an important factor when using Twitter for business purposes. Click-through rate shows the amount of times that users interact with your posts. Increasing this rate allows businesses to convert this type of media traffic into leads.

To increase your click-through rate and optimize on-page conversion, try the following:

  • Attach an image to your post
  • Provide a link with free resource information
  • Use popular or industry-related hashtags in your tweets
  • Post consistently to increase engagement

Using these methods will grab the attention of your followers, encouraging them to interact with your content. Increased Twitter engagement is shown to boost click-through rate, resulting in more lead conversions for your business.

Engagement with Leads

Once you’ve successfully gained a few Twitter leads, you’ll need to maintain your engagement with them in order to see results.

Following your leads on Twitter is a great way to start this process. You can also become an active follower of theirs by interacting with their posts with consistent likes, retweets, or comments. This keeps you on the leads’ radar, all while cultivating a relationship with them. Be sure to keep it light and avoid shop talk, however. Building a good rapport with followers and leads shows an increase of engagement over time – both on and off Twitter.

Most lead engagement strategies like these are free, but they do involve time and attention. With a little extra interaction online, however, you’re sure to increase the number of leads you maintain and build a positive relationship with them. Building this kind of trust and rapport with online leads will boost sales in time.

Agency AutomationTEAM Twitter Marketing

Highly productive agencies often don’t have time for aggressive marketing efforts. This is a simple fix with Agency AutomationTEAM’s Twitter solution. Here, you can find tips and other educational content to effectively use your agency software for keeping track of marketing leads and engagement.

In addition to helpful Twitter lead engagement information, Agency Automation TEAM’s CP Manager takes effective marketing strategies to the next level. A big advantage to this management system is its ability to handle new leads and clients, all while saving you time and resources in the process. Use this comprehensive system for cross-selling product lines, x-dating strategies, or creating marketing reports based on client records.

Improve your retention rates by increasing renewal management and marketing to the right clients at the right time. All lead information can be easily saved across the whole system, making it easy to contact your leads when you need to. Additionally, your generated lead lists will include the best date and time to reach out.

Should My Agency Automation Team Have a Facebook?

It is the 21st century and as such you need to rethink the way you’ve been doing agency work to best reflect the abilities you have in the digital age. Using old or outdated systems or still working off business practices from 10 years ago or more is not going to be enough anymore. You need an agency management system that understands the demands and abilities of work and life in the year 2020 and beyond. You also need a digital presence that can elevate the work you’re doing and keep your agency as productive as possible.

CP Manager is the solution. Not only have we painstakingly designed a system that was handcrafted for the work your agency does on a daily basis, but we have savvy other systems and other companies. We utilize all possible digital channels and social media to get you the best possible product and to reach you in the best possible way.

Belief in Progress

Insurance and the way we handle it has changed a lot since the first insurance agency started. The way we package policies, determine risk, onboarding clients into systems all has changed and all requires very prudent digital progress. We maximize this through use of social media to stay in constant contact with our customers and ensure you get the best service.

Facebook and other social media are not just a place to post pictures and share events. They’re a way to stay in contact and in the know about your industry and about the needs of customers and clients. It’s a communication tool for us and a sign that we know what we’re talking about when we talk about the need for forward thinking, digital oriented solutions to problems.

What We Offer

This 100% paperless system was designed with your agency and your needs in mind. Not only does it integrate with email systems to offer extensive email correspondence, e Signatures, and other electronic forms of communication, we internact all internal messaging as well to make your office as eco friendly and paperless as you could want. This is among the easiest systems to learn and use (we have our extensive beta testing to thank for that), the most powerful for multi-agent organizations, and among the most impactful when it comes to productivity in the workplace.

Find Out More

Visit our AutomationTEAM Facebook page to understand why we are among the best of the best when it comes to making sure you have a digital, progressive, hi-tech management system for your agency. Get everything you can out of your system along with 24/7 support and the best and easiest software you can imagine for your agency.

Submit for more information and book a demo for our product as well. You won’t regret it and you’ll have your mind blown by the effectiveness of our software.

Will CP Work for My Insurance Agency Management?

CP Manager is an online hosted system that offers everything an agency could want out of an insurance agency management system. We took the advice and tips from insurance automation consultation and delivered the best possible product in the space of agency management software. We’ve tackled everything from adding a new client to your policy to creating a fully insurance specific accounting system. And, we did it all for 81% less than other systems.

Our goal was to design something that answered your call and your needs for your agency management system. It was designed with you and your team in mind as well as your budget and your time. Nothing is too miniscule to not be valued in our approach. We want to prove to you that our system can and will work for your agency.

What you wanted . . .

We saw what you asked for and we delivered. Servicing clients and adding new ones to your system got a whole lot easier. In fact, before we even released the system to you we beta tested it with CSRs who offered us insight on how to make the system even more user friendly and easier. What we ultimately got out of the exercise was an incredibly streamlined and easy-to-use system for any agency.

We want your staff to successfully manage a larger book of business. That’s why we created a highly productive system. You can build emails into your CP manager, integrate with your management software, and more. This makes communication between you and your clients as well as internally within your business that much easier.

Assets for Your Company

We offer PL and CL downloading, uniquely supporting both of the AL3 standards of the industry. We’ve got multi-agency management for use across locations, offices,or clusters. Policy management allows for both personal and commercial lines making package policies no problem for you and your agents. You can utilize insurance specific subledger accounting for power and flexibility. 

We’re also proud to say our system can allow you to go 100% paperless. CP Manager offers document and attachment management systems, electronic signatures, and other integrations that allow you to be an eco-friendly, paperless business. We also overhauled all of our communication aspects to make them easily integrated and far more powerful than ever before. You can capture life, health, disability, LTC, and other policies for both individuals and businesses with eas as you move through this system.

Find Out More

If you want to see, first hand, how CP Manager can work for you and your agents, sign up to learn more and be prepared to be blown away with the possibilities. If you’re not sold now, you will be soon. Take a look at our testimonials, peruse our resources, and prepare yourself for an entirely new way of doing business.

Who Developed Insurance Agency Software?

Today, the insurance industry utilizes software and digital means to do a lot of the work that used to be done by hand or at least by groups with supermassive computing machines. It’s commonplace today that insurance companies live online and that much of the work is done through online means. But it’s not the way it always was and understanding the history of online insurance agency software can help you make the best choice in insurance software for your company.

The software landscape for insurance companies goes back 50 years or more, if you can believe that. It’s both older and a lot newer than you may have realized and has come a long way since it was first developed decades ago. Needs have changed and the way we provide insurance has changed extensively as well.

Early History

The beginnings of insurance agency software began in 1974 when the first large scale provider for online software came about. At this time, personal computers were virtually non-existent and the landscape was wide open for someone to develop the software space for insurance agencies. This initial system utilized a “system of record” for property companies. It continued through the 80s and developed alongside the advent of personal home computers and the launching of the World Wide Web, Microsoft, and AOL.

Needs of Insurance Agency Software

Since the advent of software that handled records, a lot has changed and we need our software to be able to do a lot more. Beyond keeping records of claims and incidents, your software needs to organize your business. Many insurance agency softwares, in fact, aren’t even customer facing, being designed to help make the business itself run smoother and customers never have to see what goes on behind the scenes. It’s virtually impossible to exist as an insurance company today without a robust software system in place.

Why Choose Us?

At Agency Automation Team, Inc., we’ve created a system that includes the following, and more:

  • An easy to learn and use program
  • Is single-entry
  • Is designed to increase productivity
  • Is made to work efficiently with and service your clients
  • Incorporates easy to use “insurance specific” accounting

We stand by our mantra of “by agents for agents”. The products we create work for agents because agents helped create them. Rather than a team of developers outside the market and industry thinking they know what is best, our software was developed with agents and their needs in mind. We’ve worked with agencies for over 25 years to help them grow and develop best practices through our softwares, training, and more resources. 

Don’t go just anywhere for your agency management software. Go with a trusted name and trusted brand in the space to make sure you’re getting the best possible product for your company. We’ve got answers to your important questions, training for your agency’s needs, and special onboardings to make sure it works for you. Go with the best and go with the company that was designed by agents for agents.

How is Installing a Client Login Portal Beneficial?

Insurance agencies can benefit immensely from the use of online client login portals. Client and policy management is one of the most important aspects of your business. If you can’t properly handle clients in an organized way, not only does your business suffer but the safety of your client’s information is at risk as is your proprietary information. Gating client dashboards through login portals can save you money and offer security.

There’s a lot to be gained from secure client portals. We’ve outlined some of those benefits below to help you on your decision to add a secure client portal to your online presence for your customers. Remember that not all client experiences or insurance agencies are created the same so different aspects of this are going to resonate more or less with you. But take a look and decide if a secure client portal is the way to go.

A Privileged Client Experience

One thing that gated login portals for clients offer is the sense of privilege for your clients. They’re getting a unique and secure experience that’s only available to those that are part of the organization. It also makes them feel secure and makes you seem like you’re incredibly professional. It does wonders for their experience as a client in your organization. Even if you do something as simple as place client information behind a login portal, that can do wonders for their experience with your website.

Access to Training and Assistance

A secure login portal is a place where you can place secure information and training material for your clients. Rather than hosting it publically or through a secret URL that someone could still stumble on, you can place the training and other onboarding materials behind a secure login. This is great for organizational purposes and great for security purposes. It also makes the process easier on your clients as they try to locate different materials and assets on your website.

Protection for Proprietary Information

Gating much of your client content behind a login can be crucial for protecting your company’s incredibly proprietary information. These are things you want your clients, and only your clients, to have easy access to. What better way to ensure only clients are using the information by putting it behind a secure login? It’s an easy fix to any concerns you may have about security and safety online for your information.

Consider getting from your company some form of client management software and some form of online login portal for your clients to securely and easily access their information. Keep yourself and your clients protected while offering a great client experience and a boost in your reputation as a professional and safe company.

At Agency Automation Team, Inc., our goal is to give you an easy, single-entry, efficient and integrated system with our CP Manager. It’s hosted completely online with nothing to install and you can run the full system from any device. Contact us for more information today!

How Does a CP Management System Work?

So, you’ve gone through the research and sat through several hours worth of the webinars. You know your questions and your needs around an agency management system and you’re ready to start using one. Even better, you’ve decided that the Agency Automation Team’s CP Manager is the system you’re going to use. But how does it work? Is it right for my insurance management system? Where do I start? What are other people saying about CP Manager? We’ll take a look at the features of the CP Manager and how to get started below.

Productivity Minded

CP Manager is one of the few systems that’s got productivity in mind and at the forefront of the work it does. It was designed to put productivity, and results, first. This means a complete overhaul of the traditional agency management system which focused on operations and overall passive goals. This is about daily productivity and what you can be doing now to make your business grow.


CP Manager has some great features. There’s re-engineered client management, a feature that allows you to view client activities, unlimited client contacts, more thoroughly integrated notes and attachment features, eSignatures for online document signing and verification, an open client detail record, up to 12 user defined fields, claims management, service tools, built in correspondence, document management systems, and a lot more.

Focus on Freedom

CP Manager wants to be your go-to only system for running your business. That means more freedom when it comes to looking through your client records and claims. It also means building in features into this one system so you don’t have to hunt across the internet to find a web of systems that may or may not integrate with each other, to get your job done. CP Manager can be your operational headquarters, your CRM, your archives, and a whole lot more.

How To Start

The best way to start is to dive into one of CP Manager’s informative webinars on the system and your needs it fulfills. There’s several replays that can give you an overview of what the system is designed for, how you can leverage it, and how it works at a broad level. Then, sign up for our emails to stay up-to-date on information and trends, any changes, and software updates. Next, schedule a one-on-one walk through where you’ll receive a demo of the system as it pertains to your business’s specific needs. Take the seven day Test Drive in the system to ensure it’s right for you and then finally set up your implementation and onboarding of the new system.

CP Manager is the only insurance agency management system you need. It’s got so many features built in and your productivity in mind. Take a tour, do your research, try it out, and get started with using CP Manager to manage your agency with the Agency Automation Team today. Contact us to set up an appointment or let us answer any questions you may have.

What is an Agency Management System?

Agent management systems are, in short, a SaaS (software as a service) technology that helps groups have a more effective approach to their operations and have an overall positive impact on their book of business. It’s a lot more complex than that. A smarter question to ask is what can an agency management system do for you and your company? What exactly is it? Why do you need one? What is an agency management system not? Exploring these questions and topics can help you understand how to boost your operations. We’ll take a closer look at the agency management system below.

Agency Management System vs. Customer Relationship Management

One of the big drawbacks to a generic customer relationship management system, or CRM,  is without a dedicated developer to customize your system, there are limits to how much you can do with a CRM and how much it can really impact your business. Meanwhile, an agency management system is customized for your business, your needs, and the typical stats around your company. Another problem you can find with a CRM is the need to update and maintain the most up-to-date software for your industry’s needs. Agency management systems build this in.

Key Aspects of Agency Management Systems

Some great features that come with an agency management system are cloud-based access which allows you to access your business from everywhere, dashboard analytic options, custom reporting, and more. It’s a very powerful, flexible, and customizable tool.

How Do I Pick the Right Agency Management System?

This is about you and your needs. Keep that in mind. Make sure you ask prospective developers and companies the needs for data migration, how the security of the system holds up, and who the company is and what their goals are for their customers who use their product. This software is all about your company and your needs. Make sure the orientation and onboarding of your new system can be compatible, make sure your data is secure once it’s in there, and make sure your goals are aligned.

What’s the Best Way to Learn More?

Explore, ask questions, and sit in webinars. Common topics that come up are how to tailor and create both external and internal correspondence, how to best organize your company’s dashboard, what you need and what you look for in your company’s day to day work, how to make sure your work and reporting is specific to your industry. Also, use your network to ask around and find out who uses what and for what. Is your competition doing well? What are their secrets and what system are they using?

Ultimately, what you get out of an agency management system depends on your company’s goals and needs. It’s a CRM on steroids that’s built for you but also so much more than that. Research and ask questions. Build a system to boost your operations and find the one that works for you, not the other way around.

What defines the Best Insurance Agency Management Software?

Have you been searching for the Best Insurance Agency Management Software? As a smaller agency, you have unique and specific needs, and a lot of the big-name data management vendors can’t keep up with those needs. We can! Our CP Manager is defined by several qualities that fit perfectly in a small business environment that deals with sensitive information frequently.

5 Defining Qualities Of Our CP Manager

1. Long Lasting History Serving Agencies

For over 30 years, our company has been helping small insurance agencies implement a new, more efficient data management software system into their ranks. Yup, that’s us! With our CP Manager, we take daily operations and transform them into something sleeker, smoother, and more reliable. A lot of manual, mundane tasks are moved to an automatic policy process, or a simple one-click action that takes you seconds compared to minutes. Save time, preserve your data, and improve the function of your team on a large scale basis with our tried and proven CP Manager.

2. Simplistic, Automatic Accounting

One of the star aspects of our CP Manager is the way accounting is handled, and everyone who has gotten our software has adored the approach. It’s designed to work on the same level small insurance agencies work at, so the way it handles policies and speeds up your system and processes billing and payments is beyond what many other vendors can provide. The bigger your agency, the more you’ll benefit from the smooth accounting features in our software.

3. Trial Data Conversion Phase

Before you fully commit and make the switch over to our CP Manager for your system, we introduce our new interface and data organizational platform as a trial first. Your team will get the opportunity to explore and navigate the new software without losing any real data in the event an error is made, and it gives everyone a chance to decide if this is a good fit for your agency. After that, we make a permanent data conversion to the CP Manager.

4. Short Conversion Timeframes

We understand how important it is to get back to business running smoothly, as so our system is designed for this ease-of-use approach and seamless transition. We have an “automation stand-still” that helps to protect your data, fast training techniques to get the whole team up to speed, and brief but efficient measures we take to get this software working quickly. As we work with your current vendor, the time we get this job completed will depend partially on them, too, but on our end, we get it finished fast.

5. Advanced Transition Strategies

The true ability that defines our small insurance agency management software is the simple ease-of-use and fast conversion times. It’s easy to learn, easy to train, and easy to adapt too! Plus, with as long as we’ve been at this, we know exactly how to avoid every bottleneck and have fast solutions for just about every issue that may arise during implementation.

Will Management Systems Work for Small Insurance Agencies?

When you run a small business, a lot of the organizational tools, applications, software systems, or advice doesn’t entirely apply to you. Especially in the insurance business, where you deal with lots of sensitive and confidential information on a daily basis, you can’t rely on just any sort of management system to keep things running smoothly. You need something you can trust, and something that can be well integrated in your existing interface and operational function.

As a small insurance agency, you put a lot of heart into your clients and their needs and each policy you represent. A lot of times, it’s usually up to one or two people to manage the organizational process of a small insurance agency, and the techniques and tactics used here can vary.

Is there an easy way to integrate a flawless system for management for a small insurance business? We think there absolutely is! In fact, that is what our product is all about — making access to software designed for management simple for small-scale businesses.

3 Reasons To Use A Management System

Small Insurance Agency Management Systems sound almost too good to be true, right? Or maybe you need more convincing. Here are three ways our system has absolutely revolutionized many small agencies in the insurance industry!

1. Easy Learning & Training

When you’re dealing with a smaller agency, you can’t spend lots of money or time training your staff on a new system that is complex and layered, with many features hidden in menus and pop-ups that aren’t easily accessed. You need something that will be helpful from the start and quick to master, which is exactly how our management system works. It was designed with small insurance agencies in mind, so it caters to this industry.

2. Automatic Tasks

Without a management system, a lot of the busy work done in insurance agencies is a manual task. Luckily, we can change that for you. Our CP Manager can help you get more contracts, organize carriers, and process policy tasks automatically for you. The automated task buttons included in the efficient toolbar makes every policy task done easily with a click, and the organization feats are beyond what could be done from a manual filing system.

3. Simple Accounting

For many small businesses, accounting is a major bottleneck to everyday operations and can be one of the most expensive sections of your business. The irony, right? With our CP Manager, you can cut back on accounting costs and focus on the numbers without the fuss. Agency accounting is a big area, and important to your success, so diving in is a bit troubling. Many of the tough accounting process tasks are now done with a single button; for invoice, emails, receipts, commissions, and more!

Getting Started

Like what you see? Great, let’s get things going! Come learn more about AAT and get yourself ready to go with our CP Manager system for small insurance agencies.