CP Manager Just Keeps Getting Better

CP Manager Just Keeps Getting Better!

It's been a while since we've written an article. We've all been super busy building one hell of an agency management system!

Since our last "Upgrades" article in 2022, we've added over 300 features to CP Manager, to include a few big upgrades.

One of the problems with having an insurance automation consultant as the designer of the system and President of the company, he's really obsessed with having a killer system. It's the constant tweaking & improving of the system which has everyone amazed at some of the incredible things Mr. Chesnut comes up with to improve CP Manager!

In the beginning of CP Manager, Mr. Chesnut's objective was to create a highly productive system which would allow agency staff to get their work done in far less time. Along with this was to create an extremely easy and intuitive system to learn and use.

Plus, from watching how the industry has evolved and changed, it was creating a management system which would support just about any type of business model an agency would choose to put in place, whether everyone worked out of an office or CSR's worked from home, to name just two business models. 

Along with this was giving the producers the ability to do their work from anywhere! Whether it's meeting a prospect/client at a coffee shop or at their home/business they can process their work from their smart phone or tablet giving them far more flexibility in doing their job.

When designing CP Manager, it was designed to support the large agency doing thousands of entries a day. CP Manager has an agency with over 80 users and with multiple agencies under it.

Yes, CP Manager also has a very powerful multi-agency management ability.

This agency has big needs because of the massive amount of business they write and support. This gave Mr. Chesnut the ability to see where he could enhance, tweak and improve CP Manager for a large agency.

When it came to entering clients, policies, notes, follow ups and attachments (the foundation to a system), CP Manager was far better than the large agency hoped far exceeding their expectations. Super easy, very single-entry, fast & easy to access the information, and shockingly fast to input the information!

When it came to the daily functions of the agency, CP Manager was, in their words, "mind-blowing easy and efficient".

The two areas we made some huge improvements in to support this large agency was in the multi-agency management functionality and adding some additional accounting functionality.

For the accounting improvements we made, it was all focused around, "time is money". This large agency received direct bill commission statements 6, 8 even 10 pages long! Saving a step here and another step there added up to a lot of time.

We already had "Direct Bill Reconciliation" in CP Manager, which also has a "Save & Finish Later" function allowing them to process their commission statements over a period of time. But, having to add a new B-Tran (Billing Transaction) because it didn't get added or needing to edit a B-Tran required a few additional steps we knew we could cut with a redesign on how an agency would reconcile their commission statements.

Introducing the DB Commission Management feature...

DB Commission Management Window

With this new feature we streamlined the DB commission management process dropping the time taking to handle this process by a good 40% with many page commission statements. It's one window where you can do everything needed to reconcile and process your DB commission statements. (Click on images to see it bigger).

This is simply a remarkable new feature. 

To enhance this new feature we created a faster way to create B-Trans on the fly...

Quick B-Tran

When you click the button a window pops up to choose the Client & Policy the B-Tran is being attached to. You can either first select the client and then select from that clients policies, or you can just enter the policy number which auto-selects the client...

If you have the policy number, it's just one step to start the process of creating the new Quick B-Tran.

You're then taken to the Quick B-Tran Window... (2 images to show)

In the images, the fields not pointed out auto-fill. You can see which can be edited.

The fields with an arrow pointing to it you'll either select from a pull-down selection window, edit the field or click the button.

The field where we added, "*Auto-Filled" (with asterisk), it's auto-populated when you select the producer with their default commission % but you can override this field.

You can add multiple producers to this B-Tran.

This B-Tran, if Posted, will now show up on the grid to be included in the reconciliation of the commission statement!

The large agency owners and staff are in pure "awe" of these new features!

Other Features We've Added

We also added Commission Downloading which is another major time saving feature in CP Manager. At this point there are now 3 different ways a B-Tran can be created...

  1. Manually (MAN)
  2. Policy Download (PD): Optional. If selected, can choose to include Producer commissions (uses their default commission %)
  3. Commission Download (CDL). Can choose to include Producer commissions (uses their default commission %)

To go with Commission Downloading we also include the Commission Download log & a Commission Download Orphan window.

We now offer 3 ways to handle Premium Financed policies...

  1. Premium Finance Company Pays Carrier Directly
  2. Agency Collects Premium Finance Amount From The Premium Finance Company & Sends To Carrier
  3. Client Sends Full Amount to Premium Finance Company, Premium Finance Company sends Commission to Agency.

Each is handled differently in an accounting system so we created routines to support each.

We added a process to handle Producer Chargebacks where the accounting only affects the producer and not the agency. This is very different than a Cancellation where it subtracts the Premium, does an agency commission chargeback and a producer commission charge back.

This special producer chargeback feature only affects the producers commissions!

The last thing I want to share (I find most people don't read huge lists of enhancement updates) is we continued to add more features to increase your productivity and make doing your job easier. Hundreds of little changes throughout the system which will allow you to further increase your productivity.

If there's one thing Mr. Chesnut is absolutely 100% committed to it's helping agencies to have a highly productive and efficient agency!

Check out CP Manager. Believe me, you'll be really glad you did.