Here Are A Few Reasons Why Agencies Really Appreciate CP Manager...
There's a reason why we designed CP Manager the way we did and stayed very focused on creating a "highly productive" easy to use system. Are you like so many other agencies feeling some or all of these ways too...
The solution? Introducing...
CP Manager Agency Management System

CP Manager was designed to create measurable results with features added to support your ability to do your work in less time and steps. Because of the foundation to its design we ended up developing over 27 exclusive features to CP Manager to support "increased productivity".
CP Manager stands out from the other systems by:
CP Manager Is All About Giving You And Your Staff Back Your Time By Helping Your Staff To Be Much More Productive And Able To Handle Policy Tasks In Less Time. This Is How CP Manager Is Able To Give You A Greater Return On Your Investment.
Here's How We Were Able To Create A System Like CP Manager...

So you have a better understanding of why we did what we did, remember this about Mr. Chesnut:
- Has worked with hundreds of agencies since 1989 helping them to increase their productivity, to be more efficient and then after they've increased their productivity to put in place innovative marketing strategies to help them grow their agency.
- To accomplish his objective with each agency he worked with he needed to help them use their agency management system more efficiently because the system they were using set in motion how they would process their work and how productive they could become. Very quickly Mr. Chesnut learned that the systems design was the key to increased productivity and that management systems are not created equal, although they may have the same core features.
- Is an expert in productivity strategies, workflows and agency automation.
- Teaches "business models" to agencies to help them take their agency to the next level. The "business model" should be adjusted as the agency grows.
- Is a programmer starting when he wrote the system for his agency in the mid 1980's. Since then he's written many commercial programs and even wrote an agency management system for a very specialized agency which dropped their workload by 70% (ask him about this, it was quite an achievement). He has a clear understanding of table structures and relational databases which was key in designing CP Manager and working with the programming team who wrote CP Manager (he didn't do any programming in CP Manager) to create such a powerful system.
- Worked on many different management systems learning their strengths, weaknesses, design flaws and what they did right.
- By having a clear understanding of business models he designed CP Manager to grow with the agency to meet the automation needs of the agency as it grows. Bluntly, an agencies automation needs expand as they grow.
- Has always been very committed to agencies helping them to achieve measurable results with the main result being "increased productivity".
Mr. Chesnut has dedicated his life to working with and helping agencies to prosper and grow.
Get A Walk-Through Scheduled!
When reviewing management systems nothing will do more to help you determine if a system is right for your agency than a personalized one-on-one walk-through. That's because:
- This walk-through is all about you and your agency. It'll be customized to what you need and want to see.
- We will show you what's important to you. We believe it's better to see how something is done in the system than to just be told about it... seeing is believing, and it allows you to see the process to doing something.
- Generally we break walk-through's down by:
- Increased Productivity where we show the My Activities Dashboard and numerous other pieces we put in place to increase your productivity.
- Showing how we created such a single-entry system which is a big topic all in itself.
- Discussing easy-to-use... we generally just point out things we did as we demo other parts of the system.
- The design of the client detail record and everything you can do from a client record.
- Showing CPM in the Personal Lines agency to see how CPM will handle your personal lines clients and their policies.
- Showing CPM in the Commercial Lines agency to see how we created a commercial lines powerhouse... this includes how you add a commercial lines account, add policies including complex package policies, certificates of insurance and more.
- Reports is a big hit also with how we take reports to a whole new level. Our interactive reports are a big hit.
- We'll show you the accounting... the foundational B-Tran, cash receipt payments, the sub-ledgers (Company Payables, Producer Payables, DB Reconciliation, Commission Transfer),
- Each of these areas have a tremendous amount of information to be shown in part because of the tremendous amount of business logic built throughout the system.
As you can see, there's a lot that can be shown, and any one of these topics can take 90 minutes. Plus, we re-engineered so many parts of the management system it's not just that we have a feature like Notes and Follow Ups, it's also how we re-engineered them and the behind the scenes business logic for them.
What do you want to see? Share this with your account manager.
In addition, here's more you should know about the walk-through:
- CP Manager does A LOT! We haven't done a walk-through in under 90 minutes yet. They generally last from 90-120 minutes which won't cover everything. This is why it's important to share with your account manager what's important to you in an agency management system which the account manager will make sure is shown to you.
- It's not just about the feature but also the business logic behind it. We built a lot of business logic in the background of CP Manager to simplify the work you're doing... You need to see this! It's very impressive.
CP Manager is a refreshing re-engineered system designed to massively increase your productivity and to be very easy to use.
Not only is it the first agency management system designed by Insurance Automation Consultants, it's also the first system ever built from the ground floor up with a fully integrated Workflow Task Manager (coming soon) and based upon productivity strategies.
CP Manager is all about taking care of your clients and their policies in the least amount time possible!
Learn more about CP Manager. Click the following button to go to the "Learn More About CP Manager" page...