CP Manager Is Flexible And Gives You Options...
After 30 Years As An Insurance Automation Consultant Working With Hundreds Of Agencies, What Agencies Want In An Agency Management System Is Consistent!
They Want Easy To Use (#1 Request) & They Want To Increase Their Productivity (#2 Request). Learn More...
Get The Details
Just wait until you see what an Insurance Automation Consultant with 25 years of experience can design. This is the system agencies have been asking for the past 30 years.
You Asked, We Delivered...
CP Manager Isn't Like Any System You've Ever Experienced Before... It's The First System Ever Designed By Insurance Automation Consultants. Designed To Give You Back Your Time!
In addition to what we mentioned above, CP Manager also has...
There are hundreds of features in CP Manager including numerous features exclusive to CP Manager. You just simply need to see it to appreciate how we designed CP Manager. It's not like any system you've ever experienced before. Agencies call it, "The most insurance specific system they've ever seen".

Check Out These 3 Powerful Windows In CP Manager...
Our approach to client management and the design of the client window is to service your clients quickly, thus, this is why we designed the client record the way we did and gave you so many things you can do from the client record. It's an intuitive and common-sense design.
Click for full screen view (make browser full screen if necessary)

Like the Client Detail record, at the policy we designed a window to make policy management and handling policy tasks far easier and far more efficient. We offer features exclusive to CP Manager, and we help you service your clients faster.
Click for full screen view (make browser full screen if necessary)

The My Activities page is all about...
- Saving you time,
- Making sure things don't slip through your fingertips and
- Being able to stay on top of work in progress!
CP Manager goes to work for you immediately upon logging in. This is because when you log into CP Manager this is your first window... see what needs to be handle and what requires your attention!
Click for full screen view (make browser full screen if necessary)

We Automated & Simplified So Many Things!
Learn More About How --And WHY-- We Built Correspondence Into CP Manager, And See How Much More Efficient You'll Be and How Much Time You'll Save Because We Did...
Many asks... "How fast can you add a new client?" Very Fast!
Check this out where we show you how few fields you must fill to add both a Personal Lines and Commercial Lines record...
Adding a new note has never been faster. If you add it from the policy, the Policy field would've auto-populated!
Plus, you can tie it to the client, to a client contact, to a policy and even to the carrier!
When You Get The Details Of CP Manager You'll Learn About "Time Saving" Features Like Our Exclusive My Activities Dashboard. It's A HUGE Time Saver...

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Still need some more information before scheduling a walk-Through? Go here: "More Information On CP Manager"
Or here: "CP Manager Client And Policy Management System" for a longer page sharing even more information about CP Manager.
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The Top Features Of CP Manager Agencies Absolutely LOVE...

Very Easy To Use & Amazingly Intuitive

For 30 years agencies have consistently been asking for the same thing... "We want an easy to use system!" It's been the #1 request, and for good reason.
We knew the importance of easy to use when designing CP Manager. What our clients are telling us is, "CP Manager is ridiculously easy." This is all by design, and doing constant tweaks to the system to continue making it even easier!
Hard to use, convoluted systems have created a lot of headaches & frustrations for agencies and their staff, not to mention costing the agency a lot of money trying to teach their staff how to use the "hard to use" system.
CP Manager is like a breath of fresh air!
Plus, by being so easy it makes moving to CPM much easier. Staff appreciate being able to efficiently service their clients much sooner.
Very Single-Entry Saving You A Lot Of Time And Greatly Increasing Your Efficiency!

Double-entry is one of the biggest thieves of your time!
This is why we knew we needed to take CP Manager to a whole new level of being single-entry you only see in the most expensive systems on the market. This is because, it's very expensive and time-consuming to create a system with this level of single-entry.
By creating such a single-entry system it will save you a lot of time from re-entering information already in the system! It's ridiculous to constantly be re-entering information already in the system back into the system again.
Be very clear, the only way we could've created a system this single-entry is by having a very in-depth knowledge of...
- management systems,
- understanding how data flows through a system, and
- having an in-depth and working knowledge of table structures...
...so a system could be designed to support this level of single-entry.
With CPM being as single-entry as it is, this is a clear indication of the level of expertise behind the design of CP Manager!
Highly Productive System... Saving You Time & Money!

The top objective to an agency management system is to service the agencies clients and their policies.
The less time it takes you to do this the more clients and policies you can manage.
The more policies a CSR can manage the more productive the CSR is and the less CSR's the agencies needs.
CP Manager was designed to be a highly productive system so you can create a highly productive agency… You’ll be amazed at how much more productive your staff will be!
Agency owners appreciate this because it increases their profits.
CSRs appreciate this because they take their job of servicing clients seriously and this helps them service their clients much faster. This is the #2 request of agencies.
Commercial Lines Powerhouse... Wow, wow, wow!

Agencies are telling us, system after system they are really weak in Commercial lines, especially package policies. Not only do they not handle them correctly, the level of double entry is massive!
Creating a Personal Lines mono-line policy system is easy which is why this is where all new systems start. Commercial package policies is far more complex which is why we started with building the commercial lines side of CPM first when we started building the policy management in CPM.
With CPM adding a CL client & policy is very easy, you can quickly create Certificates and globally send them to all cert holders with a single click, and much more.
Unless you're willing to spend the big bucks for the more expensive systems, you won't find a more efficient and powerful commercial lines system than CPM!
Can Access Full System 24/7/365 From Anywhere You Have An Internet Connection, And You Don't Even Need To Install Any 3rd Party Software To Use The Full System!

How agencies are conducting business is changing. With the high cost of an office, it's forced agencies to make big changes in their business model. Many have created a "work from home" solution.
With branch offices it use to be tricky for a client to go to any branch for service or to make a payment. Not with CP Manager.
In addition to these three key points, being able to fully service your clients when you're at their office is saving agencies a lot of time along with providing their clients with a much higher level of service.
With nothing to install and having access to the full system from any device (PC, Smart Phone or Tablet), staff can work from anywhere. Work from the office, at home, at the coffee shop, at a clients office or home, or even while on vacation.
A key part to CP Manager's versatility is we built Correspondence into the system. This will open up new doors of opportunity for your agency and your staff.
One Page To Stay On Top Of Work In Progress... THIS Is A Key Feature To Massively Increasing Your Efficiency And Making Sure Nothing Slips Through Your Fingers!
This Is Also The #1 CP Manager Feature Our Users Love The Most!

Everyone tells us, "You really out-did yourselves with this amazing feature!"
It's true, we did.
The My Activities Dashboard will keep your staff on top of the key things they need to manage and handle daily. No more jumping around the system to find what they need... it's all on one page!
Then, from this one page, staff will just click on what they need to access.
The My Activities Page was developed from our extensive background in this industry of understanding what a CSR does day in and day out. Everyone says this feature is huge time saver and allows them to be more efficient, more productive and to stop things from slipping through their fingers. Everyone loves the My Activities Dashboard!
Hyperlinks EVERYWHERE! From Every Window There's Hyperlinks To Other Windows Saving You Keystrokes & Time.

This is another feature our users absolutely love!
On just about every window you will find hyperlinks to other windows. Along with this are buttons and menu options which will take you to another window.
From over 25 years of agency automation experience we knew what additional information you would likely need when working on a window so we created hyperlinks, menu's and buttons so you could jump to all of the other windows you may need to access. Not only this, they open up in a new tab so you can quickly and easily jump between opened windows.
The 1st image is a policy window. Each red box goes around either a hyperlink or a button which will open up another window.
The 2nd image is the Policies Past Exp Date grid from the My Activities Page. The 3 hyperlinks open the 3 key windows you need for this policy task... Insured, Policy and carrier record.
Navigating CP Manager and jumping to the windows you need to go to in order to do the job at hand is fast and easy in CP Manager!
Unlimited Everything... Unlimited Clients Opened Up At The Same Time, Unlimited Policies And Every Other Window! Unlimited Notes, Unlimited Attachments, Unlimited EVERYTHING.

It's not uncommon for a CSR to have multiple client records opened up at the same time working on all of them. It's the same with policies. Along with this having notes, follow ups, attachments and other windows also opened up.
In CP Manager you can have unlimited windows opened up, and every time you open up a window it opens up into its own browser tab. You could have 10, 20, 30 or more windows (via tabs) opened up.
Click on the 1st image to the left to see all of the records opened up. With this special browser extension you can easily manage all of your browser windows opened up and the tabs on each browser window. Just click on the line-item for the window you want to view.
On top of this, we designed CP Manager for the large agency who would be entering a lot of data and for CSR's who are managing a lot of clients. Therefore, along with having unlimited everything, we also added filters and search fields to find the needle in the haystack!
Looking for a specific attachment or a specific note? Like shown in the 2nd image, use the filters to filter the list to a more bite size number of records and then search within this group. Or skip filtering and just do a search.
Every grid in CP Manager allows you to sort by the columns, filter by each column and search for data by every column.
Plus, if you open up any of the Service Tools on a policy you'll only see the notes, follow ups, etc for that specific policy!